Luisa Vaz Vilasboas
on going work
past work
A Casa da Avó, 01'48, 2021

Short digital animation project about childhood memories, saudade, nostalgia, and Grandma's home. Based on the idea of a house as more than a place, but a person; and a person more than a person, but as memories and time.
Personal poem written inspired by "A Casa da Minha Avó" by Adília Lopes and "Oh as casas" by Ruy Belo read by my grandma and recorded in one take, embracing all the extra unexpected dialogue and errors.
Moments before I found myself, 5'57, 2022

An introspective walk, an infinite search for the right place.

Murmúrio, balão, 02'28, 2021

Short animation project about feeling and feeling envolved. A poem from my personal archive translated in three different forms.